Submission Guidelines
The Bristol Law Review is an annual, peer-reviewed journal seeking to promote high quality academic legal writing in both public and private law. There are no eligibility requirements to make a submission, any legal academic writing is welcome. Any questions should be directed to the Editorial Board by
1. Submissions
1.1 The Bristol Law Review (“BLR”) operate an upper word limit policy of 10,000 words. (with a margin of +100 words)
1.2 Articles should be accompanied by a brief abstract of 150–200 words and up to 5 keywords.
1.3 Work should be double-spaced, justified and without hyphenation, except for compound words.
1.4 Where possible use Times New Roman font in size 12 for the text and Symbol for the Greek and special characters.
1.5 Please do not underline or embolden any text apart from headings. Emphasis in text is provided by the use of italics.
2. General Style
2.1 BLR uses the Oxford Standard for Citation of Legal Authorities (OSCOLA). Please refer to the OSCOLA guidelines for more detailed information and submit pieces according to this style.
2.2 Footnotes should be marked clearly in the text in numeric order after a point of punctuation and listed at the bottom of the relevant page.
2.3 Any images or figures submitted to the journal in colour will be published in black and white.
2.4 The BLR uses British English spellings.
3. Headings and Quotations
3.1 The main headings should be bold, centred and ordered numerically (1, 2, 3…); the heading should be in upper case.
3.2 The next level headings should be aligned on the left and be lettered A, B, C and so on; first letters of main words should be in upper case.
3.3 The next level should be aligned on the left and be numbered (i), (ii), (iii) and so on. Only the first letter of the heading should be in upper case.
3.4 After a heading or a new sub-division, the first paragraph should be flush to the margin and subsequent paragraphs should be indented (use TAB key once for indentations).
3.5 Quotations within the text should not be italicised and are enclosed within double quotation marks.
3.6 Quotations within quotations are given single quotation marks. If quotations are three lines or more, they should be separated from the rest of the text, and should not be enclosed within any quotation marks.
4. Authorship, Permissions and Copyright
4.1 If illustrations or figures are to be reproduced from previously published work, written permission must be obtained from the publisher and the author of the work, and credit citing the source must be provided.
4.2 Where text material over 250 words in length is reproduced from previously published work, written permission is required from both publisher and author of that work. The documents containing the permission for the reproduction of either text or illustrations/figures must accompany the submitted manuscript. If it has not been possible to obtain permission, please indicate this.
4.3 Submissions must be the original work of the author(s) and may be checked for plagiarism. Any submission that is found to be plagiarised will not be considered by the Editorial Board.
4.4 Contributors will retain the copyright in their work. They will however be required to grant BLR an exclusive licence to publish the article in paper and electronic form, and to confirm that any necessary permissions have been obtained from the copyright owners of any third party material included in the article.
4.5 Upon receipt of accepted manuscripts, authors will be invited to complete an online copyright licence to publish form.
4.6 Statements expressed in the published submissions reflect the views of the authors and are not necessarily the views of the Editorial Board.
5. Review Process
5.1 Please note that by submitting an article for publication you confirm that you are the corresponding/submitting author and that BLR may retain your email address for the purpose of communicating with you about the article. If your article is accepted for publication, BLR will contact you using the email address you have provided. Please note that BLR does not retain copies of rejected articles.
5.2 All contributions will be reviewed by the BLR Board of Editors as to their suitability for inclusion in the journal and be subject to appropriate peer review. Contributors may be asked to revise their contributions before final acceptance and will have an opportunity to review proofs before publication. However, corrections at proof stage must be limited to typographical errors only.
5.3 Publication remains at the discretion of the BLR Board of Editors.